

Doing Business In Togo

  1. Togo is ranked 156th out of 185 economies in Doing Business 2013, recording an increase of 5 points compared to last year.
  2. According to the latest Enterprise Surveys (2009), Access to Finance and Political Instability represent the biggest obstacles to running a business in Togo. Only 21.6% of firms, reported having a line of credit or loans from financial institutions, similar to the 22.5% figure for the region.
  3. In the World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicators (2011), Togo rates below the 25th percentile for each indicator except for Political Stability/Absence of Violence.
  4. Togo’s economic freedom score is 48.8, making its economy the 150th freest in the 2013 Index. Its score is 0.5 point higher than last year, reflecting notable improvements in investment freedom and business freedom. Togo is ranked 35th out of 46 countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa region, and its overall score is well below the world and regional averages.

Source: World Bank


Visa Information

Visas are required by everyone except nationals of the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas) countries. Currently one-week extendable visas (CFA10, 000) are issued at major border crossings with Ghana (Aflao/Lomé), Benin (Hillakondji) and Burkina Faso (Sinkasse).
Of these three countries, only Ghana has a Togolese embassy, which issues visas for up to one year within hours, starting at CFA20, 000 for one month. Payment must be in CFAs or US dollars.
The Service Immigration Togolaise (250 78 56; Route d’Atakpamé; 7.30am-noon & 2.30-6pm), near the GTA building 8km north of Lomé city centre, issues 30-day visa extensions within three days, though it may be possible to speed up this process. They cost about CFA10, 000 (depending on the length and type of visa) and four photos are required. It’s worth having a certified photocopy of your passport while your application is being processed, in case you encounter any awkward police officers.
Visas for onward travel
Inquire at the French consulate in Lomé about visas for Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire, and the Visa Touristique Entente, covering one entry to each of these countries as well as Benin, Niger and Togo.
Two-day Benin transit visas (CFA10, 000) are issued at the Hillakondji border. Direction Emigration Immigration in Cotonou issues 30-day extensions (CFA12, 000), which take 48 hours.
The Ghanaian embassy in Lomé issues one-month visas within 48 hours for CFA12, 000 (less for Commonwealth citizens); four photos are needed.

Business Etiquette

General Business Hours

In general, information places are open from 7am to noon and 2.30pm to 5.30pm Monday to Friday. Eating out is normally possible for lunch (12.30pm to 2.30pm) and dinner (6pm to 9pm) Monday to Sunday, while you can usually get a drink between 11am and midn