

Doing Business In Mozambique

Mozambique is ranked 146th out of 185 economies in Doing Business 2013. The country's ranking has decreased by 7 points this year, reflecting a 14 point decline in the Starting a Business indicator.

  1. Mozambique’s economic freedom score is 57.1, making its economy the 108th freest in the 2012 Index. Its score is 0.3 point better than last year, with improvements in investment freedom and freedom from corruption largely offset by deteriorating scores in monetary freedom and government spending. Mozambique is ranked 15th out of 46 countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa region, and its overall score is below the world average but above the regional average.

Source: World Bank

Visa Information

Visas are required by everyone except citizens of South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Botswana, and can be bought at most borders (but not the Tanzania border) for US$25, though they’re best arranged in advance. If you are travelling to Mozambique by bus from Johannesburg, it’s essential to get your visa in advance; lines are long and most buses won’t wait. Visas can be extended at immigration offices in all provincial capitals. Visas for onward travel Visas for neighbouring countries are available at most borders except Tanzania. Tanzania visas cost US$50 plus two photos and issued within 24 hours from the Tanzania high commission in Maputo, which is open from 8am to 11am for visa applications.

Business Etiquette

General Business Hours

Banks are open from 8am to 3pm Monday to Friday.