

Doing Business In Uganda

  1. Uganda’s overall Doing Business 2013 ranking is 120, recording a 1 point decrease from last year.
  2. According to the latest Enterprise Surveys (2006), the top obstacle to running a business in Uganda is electricity. Firms in Uganda reported that 10.7 power outages per month was typical with large losses in production and sales.
  3. Of the 33 sectors covered by the Investing Across Sectors indicators, 32 are fully open to foreign equity ownership in Uganda. In the banking sector, Ugandan Financial Institutions Act (2004) specifies that a single shareholder, foreign or domestic, cannot hold more than 49% of the shares of a local bank. If a foreign bank is held and controlled by more than a single shareholder, there is no restriction on its equity participation in a local bank. While electricity generation and distribution are open to foreign companies, foreign investment is not allowed in the electricity transmission sector.
  4. Uganda’s economic freedom score is 61.9, making it the 78th freest economy in the 2012 Index. Its score is 0.2 points higher than last year due to improvements in monetary freedom and the control of government spending. Uganda is ranked 8th out of 46 countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa region, and its overall score is above the world average.

 Source: World Bank


Visa Information

All visitors require visas. Ugandan visas are available at all major land borders and the international airport at Entebbe.
Single-/double-entry visas valid for up to three months cost US$30/60 (US$20/40 if you have student ID); 48-hour transit visas cost US$15.
Visa extensions
Extensions are available at the immigration office (244899; Jinja Rd), east of central Kampala.
Visas for onward travel
Visas for the following neighbouring countries are available from embassies in Kampala: Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania.

Business Etiquette

General Business Hours

Government offices and businesses in Uganda are generally open between 8.30am and 4.30pm or 5.30pm, with a short break for lunch some time between noon and 2pm. Most shops and banks do not break for lunch, but some banks close early at 3.30pm.